Saddleback Kidney Support Group

Our Story
Our journey with kidney disease began in 2007 with Bill’s diagnosis at the age of 72. We were totally caught off guard. Although he wasn’t sick enough to need treatment, we found it very difficult to get more information about our options. Over the next three years we worked hard to educate ourselves and reached out to friends and family about living kidney donation.
Through a series of miracles that only God could orchestrate, Bill received a kidney transplant in 2011 through the kindness of our friend, Jeff Allen, who donated his kidney to Bill who was 75 at the time of transplant. We knew it was our turn to pay it forward by helping others. The Saddleback Kidney Disease Support group is thriving with attendees in all stages of kidney disease, familiar with dialysis treatments, proper diet and transplant. Without their willingness to share their story, the group couldn’t sustain itself.
Please feel free to reach out to us by e-mail if you would like more information. We look forward to walking with you on your journey!